Workplace Mediation

The key difference between negotiation and mediation is that, in negotiation, the parties involved work out their own agreement. In mediation, they have the support of the third party, the mediator, to help them come to an agreement.

Mediation, whether formal or informal, can often help solve conflicts that have gone beyond the negotiation stage.

A key aspect of mediation is that the mediator does not 'sort things out' or make any decisions for the parties involved. Instead, he or she helps the parties involved work together to develop their own agreement

Mediation can provide a swifter response to conflict and can nip potentially damaging disputes in the bud. It has been shown to reduce levels of grievances and, where these would have led to a tribunal, it provides a far cheaper response than the employment tribunal process, which can involve immediate financial costs to the organisation and the individual claimant, as well as non-financial burdens.

Fully trained and experienced in workplace mediation across the various business sectors.

'Highly Commended: Independent Mediator of The Year' PMA National Mediation Awards 2014

To date all commissioned mediation assignments have resulted in resolution and agreement. Follow ups would seem to indicate that the agreements have held.